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Effect of deep or shallow tilling depth on pack conditions, cow cleanliness and lying behaviour in compost-bedded pack (CBP) dairy herds

By Kendra Gillet

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of deep or shallow tilling depth on pack conditions, cow cleanliness, and lying behaviour in compost-bedded pack (CBP) dairy herds. Treatments were deep (D), where the pack was tilled 2x/d to 35-41cm or shallow (S), tilled to 20-25cm. Commercial CBP farms (n=8) in Ontario were assigned to one of two treatment sequences (D-S-D or S-D-S) in a switchback design. Farms were visited every 28 days at the beginning and end of each period from September-December 2023. Periods (D or S) lasted 4 weeks. CBP samples taken at every visit were analysed for depth temperature and moisture content. Cleanliness was scored live on a 1-4 scale during visits on the same 25 cows per farm; 6 areas per cow were scored then averaged. Data loggers collected lying behaviour on 8 cows per farm during the last 7d of treatment. All outcome variables are reported on a herd level, with the farm as the experimental unit. Tilling depth did not affect any of the outcome variables. Results are reported as lsmeans ± SEM. Temperatures were 32.6 and 30.8 ± 2.98°C (F1,12=0.99, P=0.339) at 20cm, and 33.3 and 32.1 ± 2.11°C (F1,11=0.98, P=0.344) at 37cm for D and S, respectively. Moisture was 63.4 and 63.0 ± 1.41% (F1,9=0.15, P=0.706) at the surface, and 63.6 and 62.5 ± 1.50% (F1,9=0.58, P=0.465) in the 20cm layer for D and S, respectively. Cleanliness scores were 1.55 and 1.56 ± 0.05 (F1,9=0.03, P=0.874) for D and S, respectively. Lying times were 11.0 and 11.1 ± 0.21 hr/d (F1,12=1.67, P=0.221) and number of bouts/d were 9.5 and 9.6 ± 0.63 (F1,13=0.32, P=0.583) for D and S, respectively. The results suggest that a short-term tilling depth change did not affect CBP moisture and temperature, cow cleanliness or lying behaviour.